• 3-hour Workshops “Series: My Yoga”

3-hour Workshops “Series: My Yoga”

3-hour Workshops
“Series: My Yoga”

Improve your practice, bring awareness to your mat and own every asana of YOUR yoga!
This series is based on basic anatomical principles. Every module is intended to help you understand the Yoga asanas in the uniqueness of your body!
In each workshop, we will have an illustrative conversation about a specific region of the body, and after we will explore it in a juicy dynamic vinyasa practice that will help you to deepen the new knowledge and movements.
You will receive functional anatomy education in a simple fun and practical way, that will come back to you every time you step on your mat!

Open to all levels. No anatomy or teaching experience is necessary.

*You can attend the workshops separately, or pay for the full series (discount will be applied).

1.“Hips all Around”
The hips are responsible for distributing our weight to the legs, and also for absorbing the shock of walking, jumping and running, resulting in tightness and restricted flexibility.
In this workshop, you will learn safe and easy techniques to unbound the tissues around the hips to bring balance between strength and flexibility. You will experience new ways to move in order to un-glue the frozen hips.

2.“Shoulder Renewal”
The shoulder is the body’s most mobile joint. Unfortunately, the more mobile a ­joint, the less stable; and the less stable a joint, the greater the risk for injury.
Further risk of injury increases when exercise involves repetitive weight bearing through the arms and when one has not learned how to stabilize the shoulder joint properly. An informed and diligent focus on shoulder alignment can transform a potentially vulnerable joint into a cornerstone of stability for a sustainable long term yoga practice.

3.“Get to the Core”
No doubt that a toned abdominal area is very appealing to most of us!
But beyond achieving a nice looking torso we should aim to bring strength and flexibility to our core muscles to protect our spine!
The core is the center of movement of our body and working on every one of its layers will prevent lower back pain, improve our posture, maintain our physical functionality and move gracefully and effortlessly.

4.“The Art of Twisting”
Energising, neutralizing, stimulate circulation, creating heat, a healthier digestion, spine mobility, releasing muscles, and much more it’s what we get when we twist.
In this workshop, we will explore the ins and outs of twists; the benefits, the myths, types of twists, and alignment tips.

5.“Towards your Toes”
Usually, we tend to take forward folds for granted in asana practice. They are present in almost every yoga class and they are simple. Are they?
Certainly, forward bends are more complex than we think and also comprehend a series of asanas that are considered fundamental or foundational in most modern styles of yoga.
In this module, we will deepen our understanding of the intention of forward bending, the benefits and the patterns it develops in our body, the postures that build on it or are related to it; the aspects of this posture we often struggle with; the value of the posture; and much more.

6.“Healthy Spine, Healthy Life”
“To know our spine is to know our entire body. To move our spine is to move our entire body. To release tension in the spine is to relax the entire body.”
The spine is a central and essential part of our body. And for this reason, we will start learning about its functions, its movements and its impact in other parts of our body. We will explore how to move, to free and to unfold the spine in a healthy safe way.

datum: woensdag 29 Augustus 10.00 tot 13.00 uur 
Kosten; €30 

Facilitator: Eli Aguilar

Eli is a Yoga Teacher Training Facilitator, Pilates instructor, Health Coach and Psychologist. She has been passionate about healthy lifestyles since she started struggling with eating disorders at the age of 14. She learned how to maintain a positive relationship with food and has dedicated her life to deepen her knowledge about the body, mind and emotions.

Nowadays, she shares her passion for functional anatomy and alignment with her students in India; she practices Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga and Yin Yoga; creates healthy-habit programs for her clients, and travels all over the world teaching workshops and master classes that inspire to a better, calmer, and healthier life.

3-hour Workshops
“Series: My Yoga”

Improve your practice, bring awareness to your mat and own every asana of YOUR yoga!
This series is based on basic anatomical principles. Every module is intended to help you understand the Yoga asanas in the uniqueness of your body!
In each workshop, we will have an illustrative conversation about a specific region of the body, and after we will explore it in a juicy dynamic vinyasa practice that will help you to deepen the new knowledge and movements.
You will receive functional anatomy education in a simple fun and practical way, that will come back to you every time you step on your mat!

Open to all levels. No anatomy or teaching experience is necessary.

*You can attend the workshops separately, or pay for the full series (discount will be applied).

1.“Hips all Around”
The hips are responsible for distributing our weight to the legs, and also for absorbing the shock of walking, jumping and running, resulting in tightness and restricted flexibility.
In this workshop, you will learn safe and easy techniques to unbound the tissues around the hips to bring balance between strength and flexibility. You will experience new ways to move in order to un-glue the frozen hips.

2.“Shoulder Renewal”
The shoulder is the body’s most mobile joint. Unfortunately, the more mobile a ­joint, the less stable; and the less stable a joint, the greater the risk for injury.
Further risk of injury increases when exercise involves repetitive weight bearing through the arms and when one has not learned how to stabilize the shoulder joint properly. An informed and diligent focus on shoulder alignment can transform a potentially vulnerable joint into a cornerstone of stability for a sustainable long term yoga practice.

3.“Get to the Core”
No doubt that a toned abdominal area is very appealing to most of us!
But beyond achieving a nice looking torso we should aim to bring strength and flexibility to our core muscles to protect our spine!
The core is the center of movement of our body and working on every one of its layers will prevent lower back pain, improve our posture, maintain our physical functionality and move gracefully and effortlessly.

4.“The Art of Twisting”
Energising, neutralizing, stimulate circulation, creating heat, a healthier digestion, spine mobility, releasing muscles, and much more it’s what we get when we twist.
In this workshop, we will explore the ins and outs of twists; the benefits, the myths, types of twists, and alignment tips.

5.“Towards your Toes”
Usually, we tend to take forward folds for granted in asana practice. They are present in almost every yoga class and they are simple. Are they?
Certainly, forward bends are more complex than we think and also comprehend a series of asanas that are considered fundamental or foundational in most modern styles of yoga.
In this module, we will deepen our understanding of the intention of forward bending, the benefits and the patterns it develops in our body, the postures that build on it or are related to it; the aspects of this posture we often struggle with; the value of the posture; and much more.

6.“Healthy Spine, Healthy Life”
“To know our spine is to know our entire body. To move our spine is to move our entire body. To release tension in the spine is to relax the entire body.”
The spine is a central and essential part of our body. And for this reason, we will start learning about its functions, its movements and its impact in other parts of our body. We will explore how to move, to free and to unfold the spine in a healthy safe way.


Facilitator: Eli Aguilar

Eli is a Yoga Teacher Training Facilitator, Pilates instructor, Health Coach and Psychologist. She has been passionate about healthy lifestyles since she started struggling with eating disorders at the age of 14. She learned how to maintain a positive relationship with food and has dedicated her life to deepen her knowledge about the body, mind and emotions.

Nowadays, she shares her passion for functional anatomy and alignment with her students in India; she practices Vinyasa Flow, Ashtanga and Yin Yoga; creates healthy-habit programs for her clients, and travels all over the world teaching workshops and master classes that inspire to a better, calmer, and healthier life.